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restriction effect中文是什么意思

用"restriction effect"造句"restriction effect"怎么读"restriction effect" in a sentence


  • 限制效应


  • The rules of mediacy credit had some restriction effect on people engaged in mediacy
  • Strong - stimulation and weak - restriction effect analysis and countermeasures choice of carrying out stock option system in our country
  • Moreover , it analyzes the restriction effect which information communication environment in china acts on information communication
  • The author thinks that stock option will have better prompting and restriction effects when adding a period of awarding time to it . the third is the opportunity for exercising rights and stock sold
  • Along with the development of city , advancement of society and popularize of information network technology , the restriction effect from non - environments is getting more importance , and temporal is one of the quite important factors
  • The content of the paper is nonlinear analysis of complete response process for t , l - shaped and " + " shaped section r . c . columns under axial compression and biaxial bending . on the basis of related papers , the full path of stress - strain relation of concrete and the sliding of longitudinal reinforcement anchoring are all considered , simultaneously , the restriction effect for concrete by thickening of stirrups is also included
    本论文主要内容是对钢筋混凝土异形截面双向压弯柱(包括l形、 t形、十字形柱)进行非线形全过程分析,在有关文献基础上考虑了受拉纵筋和周围混凝土的锚固滑移和混凝土应力?应变关系曲线的下降段,同时考虑到在箍筋加密区箍筋对混凝土的约束影响。
  • On the view of traffic environment , this paper studies the restriction effect of traffic environment to the traffic development . and on the strategic traffic planning level , the concept that the developmental scale , orientation and intensity of urban transportation must be in the rang of the traffic environment carried is put forward . and it is wrong that the traffic development woulde be cost the destruct the quality of the environment
用"restriction effect"造句  
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